Stress weight loss trigger warning

Epic • Just taking it day by day.

Long story short My dad committed suicide on June 14th. I was already beginning to lose weight before that due to my ibs but it was only a few pounds and I was able to still eat most foods so it wasn’t a bad flare. Well after my dad died I went days without eating and my ibs flared worse than it ever has in my life. I was 155-160lbs on any given day. I’ve been trying to weigh myself at some point everyday to keep track of my eating and intake of foods. I weighed 140 this morning. I’m trying so hard to eat but it either makes me puke or doesn’t get digested and comes out the other end with all the water I drank. I don’t want to go back to the doctor because I honestly can’t afford to right now due to now having to help with my mom and grandparents bills. Dad was supporting them on his income so now it’s on me and my brother to help out. Any tips on how to get food in and keep it down? And getting it to actually digest and support my body? I know I have room to loose weight but this is not the right way and my fiancé is extremely worried about my health as am I honestly. I’m trying to eat grains and carbs to give me energy but also meat is not easy for me to eat it almost always upsets my stomach. I just don’t know what to do anymore.