Vaping vs Smoking

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

My husband sounds like he's dying. He switched from cigarettes to a vape about 5 months ago. When he was smoking he never coughed or complained but now that he vapes he constantly coughts at at night, he's got gross mucas hes always spitting out and he has said his lungs hurt on several occasions. He's currently in the shower and it sounds like he's coughing up his lungs. I know vaping is bad for you but he was so happy about quitting cigarettes and doesn't think his problem is from the vape. I beg to differ. Do you or anyone you know use a vape and have the issues Ive described? He will be making a Dr appt and Im hoping they can do a scan of his lungs but just wondering if anyone has dealt with something similar?