Second AI Attempt

Marlene • Married 1/23/2016👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏳️‍🌈 Southern California🌴 First time TTC💖 ✨Journey to Baby Simmons✨

Today I’m 2 DPO after insemination. This cycle was a real mess and I don’t have high hopes that it worked. I thought I peaked on day 10 of my cycle which is very early (I almost always ovulate on days 12 or 13). I didn’t seem to have excessive discharge until that night but I did have a .3 temperature drop that morning. The next day FedEx delivers the tank late so I’m sure I missed the window but when I test again at noon I get another dark line? I’m so confused. I’m hoping it means there’s still a chance that I was within the fertile window. Fingers crossed