Today I was abused

I feel lucky to be alive to be writing this. Tonight was the scariest night of my entire life. A couple of hours ago I posted a poll asking if I was wrong because my boyfriend of 6 years who doesn’t have a car/license wanted me to drive him to his friends house so they could practice guitars and I said I didn’t feel like it. He started calling me a bitch and cunt, saying fuck you and he pushed me hard. He said I never do anything for him (I am the only one who pays or drives in this entire relationship. I buy him dinner every night and am always taking him places). I told him I was going home because he was abusing me and I wasn’t putting up with it. As I was walking out the door he followed me out in his underwear. I was able to manage to run to my car and lock the door. As I was backing out of my parking spot he leaped onto my windshield and was hitting it with his fists, on top of my car. I slammed on my breaks so I wouldnt drive with him on top of my car and he came to my side door and started banging his fists on my window, demanding me to roll down the window. I did and he unlocked my door and started slamming it against the SUV beside me, causing paint from both our cars to come off. He started screaming for me to come back in the house with him and at this point was terrified for my life. I was able to convince him that I was going to move to the other parking spot. He followed my car as I did this and I sped off as fast as I could with him chasing my car down the street in his underwear and screaming my name. He lives in an apartment complex and several people were calling his name and watching.

He started calling me repeatedly and texting my phone. I looked at the texts and he was saying that he broke his leg. He said the bone was coming out and putting texts like “please come help me😢” and “it hurts so bad😢”. Then he started saying he was going to tell everyone that I ran over his leg. I told him I would come back to take him to the hospital and I even moved everything out of the way so he would be comfortable during the car ride and could prop his leg up. He was saying he would need my help to get to the car because he can’t walk.

Come to find out it was all a trick. I thought in the back of my mind that something wasn’t right but I couldn’t imagine leaving someone with a broken leg. When I walked up to his door to help him in my car, he was sitting there with an old police/security flashlight (the huge long ones). He jumped up and started walking towards my car with it. He was going to break my windshields and total my car. I ran into his house and told his parents what he was about to do (we are 21 but still live with our parents) and he ran back into the house and started screaming that I tried to chase him down the street. I told them he was a liar and he was jumping on top of my car. His dad threatened to call the police on him and I left to get in my car. He ran to my car and sat in the passengers side.

He refused to get out of my car and started sobbing and he demanded that I drive around the block. Well I did and during that time he was physically hurting me and caused me to have to pull over to the side of the road. While I did this, a cop behind me put his lights on. I thought I was going to get a ticket but he just asked me if everything was okay. I told him my tire felt wobbly and he left. I should have told the cop I needed help but I didn’t.

He made me drive for about an hour while he screamed and cried about how I knew it was important to him to go his friends house. I told him he abused me and he said there was a reason why he did, because I caused it. He said I deserve to be abused. Then he said it wasn’t abuse because abuse would be bashing my head in until my eyeballs pop out.

He keeps saying he loves me more than anything. He says he can’t imagine his life without me. He said it’s my fault for trying to leave his house because I made him feel lonely and abandoned.

He was trying to force me to come inside his house again and luckily I accidentally made my car alarm go off. It wouldn’t stop for 20 minutes and in that time he ran to get his dad’s help and I was able to call my dad for help and escape. I feel like God saved me.

This was not the first time I’ve been abused by him. But it is the first time I’ve truly feared for my safety and life. I thought I was going to die today. 😢 I will be leaving him once and for all. We have been together for 6 years and he was my first ever boyfriend, since I was 15. Thank you if you read all of this. I just needed someone to talk to because I lost all my friends by devoting my whole life to spending time with him...