Income Level and Chore Levels

So my BF and I have a house together. We both have full time jobs.

I work in a field where I make a decent salary but I went in it for the heart, not the money. My bf on the other hand makes twice what I make but is in fact, in it for the money. 2 different approaches to life, I don’t think either is wrong!

I feel like we are beginning to face some issues with him feeling like he doesn’t need to pull his weight around the house bc he provides much more financially than I....

He starts work at 6:30 whereas I do not start until 8 so naturally I assume the responsibility of taking care of the dogs in the morning. No biggie.

After working a full day, I then also become for the nightly dog responsibilities, making dinner, and keeping the house clean.

He just eats dinner, answers some work emails, then just watches TV. I constantly ask for help but he says “I’m working”

He always says he’s doing it “for us” so he can make enough that I can stay home with future babies. Which is sweet but some help with chores in the moment would be AWESOME!

Should I feel responsible for doing more around the house since I don’t make as much money? I wouldn’t think so but I’m not sure how other households work?