Struggling with this seperation

About two years ago I moved to another state to be with my boyfriend. It was the hardest thing as I left behind family and friends but more importantly my sister whom I’m

Extremely close with and her daughter, my niece who is 2 1/2 years old. It’s been really hard. The guilt I carry for leaving my niece and missing out on her life is tremendous. I love my boyfriend very much but everyday I’m torn. I miss my friends and family and niece. I haven’t really made friends here that I feel I can really connect with. Idk if it gets easier. I don’t want to move back to my old state as it’s really corrupted right now but I want to be in a state closer or at least a town closer so I can be apart of my nieces life. My bf says my feelings will change once I have my own kid but I don’t think he understands the bond I share with my sis and niece. Idk. I feel bad sometimes for moving away. Should I go home since I can’t seem to shake this feeling? I’m so bored here all the time. The only good thing about being here is my boyfriend. Other than that my career sucks, the friends here suck, and I feel like no excitement everyday. Ugh.