I’m struggling

I’m struggling with my attitude and hateful thoughts lately.

My husband ignores everything I say and mocks me or grunts when I say something he doesn’t want to hear.

He acts like I just want to argue constantly refusing to see why I’m so frustrated.

He isn’t working right now and I’m working from home and taking care of our 18 month old. He will only play with the baby. He doesn’t help clean up after the baby. He won’t even clean up after himself. He thinks the baby should get whatever he wants because he’s the boss. Is always telling the baby mommy said no instead of just telling him no and not giving it to him.

My husband complains that I never have sex with him. I do. Just not often. Which also isn’t my fault. He doesn’t come inside most nights until I’m already asleep. And it’s hard to even want to wait up for him when he’s so disrespectful to me all the time. He doesn’t even try to touch me unless he wants to have sex. Half the time after he’s gotten what he wants he gets out of bed and goes to watch tv.

I’m just to the point where I really don’t like my husband anymore. I’m tired of being ignored. I’m tired of being disrespected. I’m just tired in general.