Possible Hormonal Imbalance


Hi everyone,

Ever since I started my period it was irregular - it would come every 3-4 months or longer or shorter - and I've been to 2 or 3 doctors and they have put me on birth control, which regulates my period, but i am so emotional, crazy, and just not myself when im on the pill. I'm 20 now, and last year I went to the doctor because I hadn't had my period for 5 months and that was concerning to me, and he suggested birth control so I went on a different type, but same thing.. crazy, emotional, not myself. Recently I went to a female doctor and told her everything, and how I don't want to be on brith control, so she booked me an untra sound, and a blood test (which I took, and I thought showed low levels of 1 hormone but she said nothing) but because of covid-19 I can't get it the ultrasound. I hadn't gotten my period for about 2.5 months and the period before was spotting. Now I finally got it, but it is so heavy, and I've had it now for 2 weeks! What is going on?! Should I be concerned? What does it mean to have irregualr periods?

Thank you in advance. 💜💜 I seriosuly appreciate the support from the community.