Reflux? Gas? Help!!


Hi all, I’m a first time mom. My son is 6 weeks old and seems to have gas or what I think is silent reflux. His symptoms are:

1. Super fussy (especially after meals although it’s NOT every meal and the crying will sometimes start like an hour later.

2. Seems gassy (kicks and squirms as if he’s trying to poop)

3. Arches back and gets red in the face and cries

4. Grunts when he’s in his bassinet at night (sounds like he’s trying to clear his throat and poop at the same time)

5. I can sometimes hear liquid come back up in his throat

6. Acts starving at meal times and gets pissed when you try and take his bottle away!

We do a combo feed of breastfeeding and formula. He’s on Nutrimigen for the formula.

His doctor did prescribe him Omeprazole but it doesn’t seem to help. We’ve also tried gas drops, probiotics and propping him for 30 minutes after a feed.

I’m so tired. Oh so very tired. The grunting keeps my husband and I up because it’s scary. And my baby just doesn’t sleep well in his bassinet! 😩😩