Sheโ€™s here! ๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ€ 7/1/2020


Short Version:

Water broke on 6/30 at 4:11am.... started with trickles and around 1pm, I was swimming so I headed to labor and delivery. It was confirmed that my water had broke and I was having contractions but they didnโ€™t phase me. I was admitted by 5pm and by 8pm I dilated 5cm but had to receive pitocin to increase contractions. Contractions became steady and manageable but baby did not like the pitocin at all as it made her heart rate drop and as much as I wanted to go all natural; I decided to get the epidural to manage the discomfort as my delivery was expedited. She was due 7/8 but was born on 7/1 at 3:16am

July 1st

7lbs 3oz

21 inches