PFS resilts “special circumstances”?


Good evening ladies!

So we PGS tested our 4 blastocysts from our recent egg retrieval and got the results earlier this week: 2 normal, 1 abnormal (missing multiple chromosomes) and 1 “special circumstances.” I was told this means that when they replicated the DNA and tested it, sometimes it was normal and sometimes abnormal so they couldn’t say one way or another with certainty. When I asked, she said this wasn’t the same as mosaic (although I’m not totally clear on why not). She said they could retest it if we wanted. We’re going to go ahead and transfer one of the others, but we want more than one child, so I’m curious... Has anyone had something similar with their PGS results? Did you retest? It seems like a lot for the poor little guy to thaw, refreeze and take even more cells, but I’m curious if anyone else had a similar situation and what they did.

My nurse said they would go ahead and transfer that one as a “special circumstance” if I wanted to later on.

Did anyone transfer a blastocyst with a similar result? How did it turn out?

Thanks for your input!