What would you tell her


Hi there, blessings to you all. I have an issue. I have a neighbour and we have become good friends. She struggles with depression/ fear plus suicidal impulses etc and Ive experienced some of that as well. So Whenever I have a change I tell her how God helped me. I have visited her while in the institution when she gets hospitalized and share Christian books and sermons while she is there .She goes to church and we have talked a lot about our beliefs. Anyways that was just to tell you the type of relationship we have. So since she returned her and her husband and my husband and I ( plus our kids ) have talked more often and have bbqs . So she likes to start conversations that I don’t feel confortable talking to her or in front of her husband. The first thing she told me is that I needed to have sex 30 days a month, that she was doing that and that helps the couple to be closer. She told me that but I could see she wanted include my husband into the conversation, I played dumb. Then one time she came over with her husband and she asked me in front of my husband and her husband if I needed some strawberry syrup and she started jiggling . I knew what she meant but I play dum and tried to change topic but she kept insisting. Then we changed topics but some how my husband mentioned that I didn’t like to talk about that and he mention that I wouldn’t even enter a store near us that have adult toys. She then started asking my husband for direction for that store. Now , tonight at 9:33 pm she knocked at my door to bring me a diaper and pacifier I left in her house and she was wearing a T-shirt and a bikini bottom. No we don’t leave near water ( she went for a swim at her mothers in laws 35 min away from here ) I’m sensing a lack of respect here and once I have a chance I’m going to be a bit raw with her with love of course but I’m going to be clear. What would you say