Could I be pregnant?

So I’m 18 and about two months ago I lost my virginity to my boyfriend if 1 yr. We were at my house and didn’t expect anything to happen honestly so we didn’t use protection. He had three bodies and had gotten tested right before we got together so I wasn’t worried about that. It lasted only about 5 mins because he didn’t want to cum since we didn’t have a condom but he said he did pre-cum he said he pulled out but I’ve just been nervous that maybe he didn’t do it in time. My period has came regularly on the days that they were supposed to until this period which came two days early. Idk if I should take a pregnancy test or even worry at all, since my period has been normal but I just became aware that you could be pregnant and not even know it still having periods and everything. I’m an overall paranoid person and just wanna get some of y’all advice.