he made me feel like a terrible mom

so last night, my husband and i were having a good night. we were eating supper, watching one of his favorite movies, and i had made a cream cheese pound cake for dessert. i’m a nurse, but i’m currently staying home with our 7 month old and in school working in my doctorate.

well, the baby was being really fussy and i needed to go to the bathroom so i asked my husband to change his diaper. when i came out of the bathroom, my husband was standing right outside the door holding the baby up to me with no diaper on and his onesie still half off. he just says “where’s the butt cream.” i tell him it’s on the coffee table, but he just hands the baby to me and walks off. the baby’s bottom is a little red right around his anus, but that happens, especially on days when he poops. i put the cream on it and it clears up pretty quick.

well my husband flat out won’t even speak to me at this point. he stops the movie and just sits on the couch for a few minutes ignoring me. he then goes to shower. i follow and ask what’s wrong and he says “i don’t even have the words.”

what. the. heck.

i tried to push and say just tell me so i can put your mind at ease. but he all but closes the bathroom door in my face.

he left for work this morning and we still haven’t spoken. i’m so angry. i don’t really have any close girlfriends to talk to about this stuff so i just wanted to vent somewhere.