GERD in my 2 week old


I’m fairly certain my baby (2weeks old) has GERD. She vomits after every feed (multiple x), she becomes irritable following feeds sometimes. She often chokes/coughs during feeding. At night when laying flat she arches her neck/back and looks very uncomfortable while making horrible grunting sounds-then spits up. I believe she is gaining weight, but her other symptoms are concerning and worsening.

Things I’ve tried: keeping her relatively upright during feeding, tried the laid back nursing, burping her during and after feedings. Keeping her upright x 20-30 min following feeding. Putting her bassinet at a slight incline.

I feel that these interventions have only helped a little.

Going to the peds today for some further input. Any other moms have this issue with their LO and did they start meds? If so what meds? Did they work? I’m at a loss and just so extremely tired 😭 barely sleeping and upset thinking my baby is in pain.