Is this real?


Y'all I took this, this morning. I'm in complete shock! We have been trying for baby #3 for over 3 years now. Fertility is an issue for me as I do NOT ovulate on my own. I have PCOS which makes it even harder. We started our first round of Clomid (for the 4th time) and it worked! My periods are very irregular. According to this app I'm due to start my period on the 12th. I started getting very faint lines on the 6th (so faint my camera couldn't pick it up and I had to angle it in the light just right in order to see it in person). My question is, is it real? I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed again. Just a little side info, my app has my cycle due date at 33 days. The past 3 months my cycles have been 44days, 42 days and 38 days.