What can I do šŸ˜ž

Ladies.. this is really hard for me so Iā€™m going to explain it the best I can.

I met my fiancĆ© 7 years ago and we have been inseparable since. Iā€™m the type to want to have sex twice a day if possible. Itā€™s safe to say my sex drive is higher than his! By just a little.. anyways, I also have always been a little iffy about porn because my sex drive was so high Iā€™d be willing to have sex with him when ever even wherever as long as weā€™re safe. I actually used to go crazy if I found out he was watching porn lol well this last week, I havenā€™t had the urge or desire to have sex. AT ALL. I mean, I used to be tired before bed and Iā€™d make myself to wake up so we could have sex. Sometimes Iā€™d even wake up early to have sex. This last week, Iā€™ve just havenā€™t been in the mood. I actually havenā€™t been feeling ā€œloveyā€ towards him at all.. I donā€™t feel like cuddling, or touching him the way I usually do, I donā€™t feel like even holding a conversation with him really. I donā€™t hate him or feel negative towards him but I just donā€™t feel positive towards him either. Iā€™m not sure what to do but ive honestly gotten to the point I could care less if he watches porn and thatā€™s not normal for me because we have almost broken up over it before. Iā€™ve woken him up in the middle of a dead sleep bc I saw it on our computer history and felt so angered by it. Why am I like this all of the sudden? How do I let him know in a nice way how Iā€™m feeling ? I know we all have needs and if someone posted on here that their husband was just not having sex with them or cuddling them people would comment saying heā€™s a piece of shit and needs to do better. I want to do better but how can you when you feel so out of touch.. I just donā€™t know what to do