I can’t tell if I love him

I’ve been with a guy for a while, and I feel like I love him, I’m 20 but this is my first real relationship, I don’t know how anything is supposed to be. He was quick to say I love you, said it within the first two weeks. I said it back, just because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but after a month I felt like I meant it when I said it back. I’m very attached to him. Everything is amazing when I’m around him. We have so much fun together and he’s kind and sweet and loving. But the issue is when we are apart. We don’t live together right now and there are days where we just don’t see eachother. And he always wants to call, and even though I hate myself for it, for some reason I find myself annoyed by that because for some reason whenever we call my brain finds him annoying in most ways, he tends to complain, a lot, and fixated on the negetive which brings my mindset down, and he will go on and on about how bad his luck is and won’t say one nice thing about his day. I’ve tried to talk to him about being more positive but he just says he’s too fucked up. I’ve also realized he doesn’t really listen to to what I have to say unless he feels he might lose me over it. It’s like he doesn’t even give me credit for original thoughts. If I say something smart he won’t acknowledge it, he’ll just phrase it in his own way and then act like he thought of it. All these things I only think about when we are apart. But when we are together everything feels right. But I keep questioning, if I did love him would I be feeling these things? Are we really right for eachother? I’m ready to work through things with him. I want to be with him. I just don’t know why I’m feeling these annoyances. He proposed on July 2nd, and I said yes.