Does anyone have experience using Lovenox injections?

If so, I need some advice please!

Long post, sorry!

Background: I had 2 losses at 9 weeks each (conceived naturally)...  then we do <a href="">IVF</a> and I was put on Lovenox injections... I was able to carry my rainbow to term (yay!!!) 

I swear up and down, feel it in my soul, that the Lovenox is what allowed me to carry to term... my OB (who had been with us throughout the whole journey) said we could try naturally for our 2nd baby and add Lovenox... which was great news! 

Fast forward 1.5 years and my OB leaves the practice and my new OB won't let me add it.

So here's my question... I have 2 weeks worth of Lovenox shots leftover from <a href="">IVF</a>... should I use it behind my new OB's back?  I would only use it for weeks 8-10 (to get us over that 9 week hump where we seemed to have issues).  It is not expired and my previous OB said yes to this.  Plus, all studies show that it DOES NOT cross the placenta and my rainbow baby (who I used Lovenox with DR permission) is perfect with NO health issues.

Help me!! TY!!