

How do you serve your baby and how do they eat it?

I would say around 95% of the time I put Brielle’s food on her tray and she feeds herself with her hands!

The other 5% of the time she’s eating yogurt or oatmeal and I don’t want her to get too messy so I spoon feed her.

Every once in a while I would give her a spoon and help her use it but she just always uses her fingers, which I think is perfectly okay!

My father on the other hand, doesn’t see it that way.

So we live with my parents because we’re a military family and my husband has been away since month 3. They’ve been a huge help during this time.

Yesterday my dad made comments about how my daughter makes a mess (not even a big one, but I mean she’s a baby) when she eats because she uses her hands. He said he doesn’t understand where I got the idea of letting her feed herself from because they spoon fed me and my siblings all the time and never let us feed ourselves until we could use the utensils properly. He said I must’ve read that somewhere because that’s all the new parents do, they just google and listen to google🤦🏻‍♀️

Then goes on to say I need to respect his house and basically parent my child how they say I should because I live with them ... like what??

I sanitize her high chair after every single thing she eats, and I sanitize and mop the floor around her chair. I promise you my daughters spot is the cleanest spot in the entire house because I clean it so much. So it’s not like I let her throw food and I leave it there. I say she eats 98% of the food she is given.

Tonight he made the comment that in two weeks when I have to go to Dallas for two days, that he’s going to teach her to use a spoon🙄 Not a big deal but it’s the little comments like that that eventually get under my skin.

So my question is, how does your little eat?! Like am I crazy that I let my child eats with her hands? Should she be utensils more successfully?

Sorry for the long post🙈