Child visitation helpb

My bf of 3 years found out he had a son a few months ago. His child's mother put him on child support and they had a court order he would see his son every weekend. Well his off days changed he and his baby mama had an agreement that he could see him every Tuesday and Wednesday. He came last week. this week when my bf called her she said his son couldn't come becasue it was her other sons birthday so he asked to get him on Wednesday she originally told him no becasue their son would be with her family. Well Wednesday night around 9pm she stated blowing up my bf phone saying she need to drop off elijah (the son) asap well we were pjt to eat so he told her give him 30 minutes to get home. She got super pissed cussed my bf out and hung up. He tried texting her telling her we were heading home and she never responded. Eventually she told hd could get elijah Thursdays and Friday. Well he called her Around 3pm. Now she is saying she can't drop off elijah and he can't pick him up becasue she lives with her grandma and her grandma has diabetes and is scared of covid. My bf told her he won't come inside to just let elijah walk outside to him. Well she ended up saying no and we could her her grandma in the back ground talking about she isn't going to risk anything. So he asked what about tomorrow and basically she just started making exuses he just said ok. She proceeded to say "we should just go to court" and hung up and now won't answer. He texted her and told her to just go back to the original weekend order. Now she won't answer her phone or respond. My question is what should we do. She he take her to court. We live in Texas how would we go about all of this? I should also add she never wants my bf to pickup his son she always drops him off on her time. My bf doesn't even know where she lives becasue she won't tell him.