Infertility Journey


“I’m fine”, “I’m good”, “I’m ok”

How many times have you said this when fighting back tears from streaming down your face?

How many times have you said this when you feel like your world is collapsing and you can hardly breathe?

How many time have you said this after seeing another negative pregnancy test, having another obstacle thrown your way, or while dealing with more heart breaking news?

Infertility is often years of disappointment, pain, fear, emptiness and grief, which does not equal being ok, it’s traumatic and a daily battle, which can leave you feeling paralyzed.

You’ll have good days, bad days and can’t get out of bed days. But know that it’s ok to not be ok. Don’t ever feel like you have to pretend to be ok, when your actually feeling like your suffocating.

It ok to vent. it’s ok to cry. it’s ok to take a break.

You all have so much to battle everyday. Do not feel like you have to be ok when you’re not.

This journey is hard!

Trying for my 1st took me 3 long years, now trying to my second brought me back to how I felt the first time.