Birth story


On the morning of June 19th I got to call to come in to the hospital for my induction (39weeks3 days ) they struggled for an hour and a half to find veins as all my veins are awful... once the IVS were in everything went smoothly at 4.5cm dialated pains were back to back and I couldn’t breath through the pain no more so I asked for an epidural it took about 2 hours to arrive I believe It was around 4pm that I got the epidural finally done everything went very well and at like 9 pm I got the ok to start pushing and shortly after Mazikeen Aurora entered the world and that’s when things went down hill fast during pushing I got a fever once she was born I got worse the shaking and dizziness and stuff just got worse ..... I ended up finding out I have sepsis and then I started to bleed a lot over a litre of blood was lost I had theatre come talk to me and tell me I may need to go down if bleeding don’t stop soon ... they gave me a ton of different things through the IVS I started freaking out big time as one of the antibiotics I could hear go into the iv then through into my vein up my neck into my head then slowly from one side of the head to the other I felt like my head was burning and was on fire I honestly felt like i was gonna lose all my hair and that that was it for me but I held myself together the best that I could .... I thankfully never ended up in theatre ... I will need another iron infusion in a few weeks time due to the loss of blood..... I was on iv antibiotics for a few days why bubs spent time in special care hooked up to an iv with antibiotics too to make sure she was ok she’s all good .... I spent the next week after on oral antibiotics to clear infection and now me and bubs are happy and healthy but damn I have never felt so scared before