Need a safe place to vent!!!

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

31 weeks tomorrow and just feeling so frustrated and angry! As many of you ladies know the pelvic pain and pressure, back aches, this stuffs no joke. Being my 6th baby I'm feeling it extra hard these last few weeks. We are in the home stretch of getting our new house ready, all new furniture is coming today and I spent ALL day yesterday cleaning out a storage shed so I'm pretty beat. Next job is to pack up all our clothes and personal items we are keeping and get them packed and moved, then donate old furniture, deep clean and do repairs on the old house then hopefully list it to sell, all before Sept 12th. Anyways, Ive been asking my husband for over a week now to mop our kitchen floor and vacuum and it hasnt gotten done, Ive reminded him daily and he says OK Ill do it in a few and then gets wrapped up in his TV show and nothing gets done. Last night I broke down in the laundry room and had a good cry and came out and begged him to please step it up and help with the house and toddler and he said he would but I know he probably won't. He does work, 3 long days doing sales and then has 4 days off so its not like he has a 6day work week doing construction or something very physical but he's always tired and beginning to be a little lazy especially when we have so much to do. If he sees me start sweeping or getting the mop he tells me to leave it and he will do it and then gets upset when I remind him he's been saying this for weeks. Im just beyond frustrated. I need help! I feel like I'm breaking down. I know his mind is preoccupied right now, his grandma is in her 90s and was just placed on hospice a few days ago and a few weeks ago we found out his mom has breast cancer( its very treatable so thats good news) he has expressed worry about how things are going to work with the new baby, I get hes got his own stuff to deal with but as far as this pregnancy I feel alone and just so bloody overwhelmed. I just woke up about an hr ago and already snapped at my 2 older kids because Im so on edge, made myself a coffee and retreated back to bed where my husband peacefully sleeps, oblivious to the fact that I'm literally falling apart. I seriously need to get a hotel room and just be alone for awhile to gather my thoughts and find some peace of mind😩 😪 😕 😫