
Hello.. I need to get some things off my chest, that’s why I decided to write here. I hope you’ll read it because I need your help. I’ve been depressed for over a year now, but the last couple months have been the worst, even if I enjoy something for a short while, I end up feeling sad and empty, not being able to enjoy anything fully. These last few days are especially bad, and it would take too long to explain my feelings so I won’t

Now, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in over 4 months, and we are finally going to the sea side together next week, and I was actually really excited. But these last few days, my life energy or my will to do anything at all hit rock bottom, and I’m feeling distant to everyone. That includes my bf and I’m finishing uni this month and I’m at a point where I need to decide what to do with my life. With my depression and everything, I feel like I want to be alone for a while, decide what I want and what to do, I need to clear my mind and decide these things only for myself and only because I want to, even if it means having a break from my relationship maybe.

On the other hand, my bf has been nothing but supportive and he helped me through a lot, and I love him but I just don’t know what to do anymore. The problem is I don’t know how I’ll get through this holiday, even though I wanna see him, I don’t know how to handle these feelings

Sorry for the long post. Hope you can read and give me your advice 🙏