Drama Over Unforseen Events.

We’re estranged because her husband sexually abused me and my sister and we were outcasted when we outted him for it. This isn’t the first time she’s done this, my mother and many family members do not like her because she makes everything about herself. She also has my number and never attempted to call.

Yesterday my estranged grandmother messaged me via fb messenger asking if she could FaceTime my children. She spoke about how close she felt to my oldest daughter (who she has not seen in over a year and never talks to or sees). I told her I would have my children FaceTime her later in the evening before bed.

Well, that evening was rough, my 3 toddlers ended up falling asleep early after having a day of fits. I completely forgot to have them call her and I wasn’t about to wake them.

She messaged me mad about how I didn’t have them call her. I told her to call them this morning. Well we had severe storms last night and our power went out in the middle of the night, so my phone didn’t charge. It ended up dying. Our power didn’t come on till 2:30pm in the afternoon, we went the majority of today without power. I’m just now being able to wash laundry and dishes, and use my stove and stuff. I’m completely behind now.

She’s in her 60’s and has raised 5 kids so I thought she would understand. But she’s taken to Facebook to call me a promise breaker, irresponsible person, and a liar because “I didn’t keep my word”. I’m completely upset and this serves as a reminder why I quit talking to her many years ago. I don’t know if I want my kids even speaking to her now. The first person to heart her comment was my partners ex girlfriend who I don’t get along with either, so it makes me wonder if they’re talking about me or something.

I’m completely upset that she would attack me for something I had no control over. My kids don’t even know her, my oldest does kind of from when she would visit my parents home on the holidays when she was 2 but it’s been years and hardly remembers her.

Im not sure if I should just put my feelings aside and let my kids FaceTime her now that my phone is charged and working again or if I should put it behind me and move on and let her keep her drama in her own life and not in mine because I don’t need that trouble.