Got bad news today...


Well, my 11 year old has been dealing with migraines since he was at least 5 or 6. One night it got really bad and was running a fever of 103. I took him to the ER where the doctor said it was strep... I told him it wasn’t but he didn’t listen. Gave him fever reducer then came back in to tell us his strep test was negative. I was pissed because I had already told him this and he wouldn’t listen. Instead of taking him home, I drove him to the children’s hospital where they did an MRI and found an arachnoid cyst in his brain. Said it wasn’t too concerning because it was small and should drain on its own, just do a follow up....

Well, we had a death in the family soon after then it was just one thing after another in our family with bad news everywhere we turned. Fast forward to last year, his migraines started getting worse and my son was just out of control. He’s been seeing a therapist for a few years as well and we discussed his previous diagnosis to which we realized it was time for a follow up. Got him in to his primary care doctor in December 2019, she sent a referral for the neurologist, COVID hit so we couldn’t be seen but had a video conference with the neurologist, ordered an MRI which we got done on Wednesday...

I got the call today as I was leaving work.... his cyst is quite large and now has to meet with a neurosurgeon and will likely require surgery. I had to break the news to my son and I tried so hard to hold back the tears and keep it together for him. This is not the news we hoped for. I’m a mess and struggling so hard to keep it together. What a TERRIFIC start to my weekend... 😞


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I broke the news to my son earlier and he was pretty upset because we had hoped for better news but he is having a sleepover and his friends have been a great support system for him and comforted him. He’s handling it well but I told him he can come and talk to me if he needs to and his therapist has been made aware so she can help him through it if need be. We will be waiting for a call from the neurosurgeon to set up an appointment. I will keep everyone updated when we know more. 🖤🖤