Does he like me?


Hey girls, I need help with a boy. We’ve been “friends” for years, since I was around 9. (Were both 16 now). I put quotations around friends because we don’t really hang out often. We’re long distance but we see each other during the summer, so its not too bad. He usually picks on me, but in a cute way(not to act mean) when we see each other, but we’re both pretty busy so it’s not often. We added each other on snap recently, and here’s where the trouble starts. He responds super quickly, usually within 5 minutes. He’s really cute when he sends snaps, he makes kissing faces and he acts goofy. We snap back and forth for hours on end and he sends goodnight texts. The problem is, he usually doesn’t start the conversation (he’s kinda shy) and for whatever reason he’ll just ghost me. I don’t get it😭

What do you guys think? I need an explanation!