Do you see a second line??


I feel like I’m going crazy. I thought I saw something within the official test period, but decided my eyes were playing tricks on me and sat the test down on the back of the toilet. I just went to throw the test away an hour later and saw this. I did have to make tweaks (increased contrast and saturation a bit in the top color photo & inverted it and increased vibrance in the second one).

Does anyone else see a line?? Is there still a chance it’s positive even though the hint of a line showed up outside of the recommended wait time?

I tested because I’ve been getting nauseous the past few days, especially when smelling eggs and coffee, which were triggers with my last two pregnancies. I’ve also felt insanely exhausted. I have 2 days until my next missed period. Would the line be darker if I was so close to my start date?