What do I do?

My sister and her family are visiting from California. They drove here (the midwest) to see us. They spent a few days at my mom’s when they initially got here, and we celebrated 4th or July. Then on the 5th they drove to TN. They have been very careful and haven’t been going anywhere. My sister and her family stays home mostly, but if they go out, they always wear masks and sanitize.

They are coming back from TN tomorrow to stay with my mom for the remainder of the trip. I feel comfortable with seeing them. However, my sister is leaving for 4 days to visit a friend in TX. She is leaving my nieces and BIL at my mom’s. She is flying there. She’s actually never met this person, they play WoW together online. 🤦‍♀️

She swears Southwest is super cautious. She has an N95 mask and said she will wear glasses and sanitize everything. I just don’t know if it is enough. I hate that she is insisting on going to visit these people in the middle of a vacation to see us, and is potentially putting everyone at risk. My BIL has begged her not to go. She won’t budge.

What do I do? I’m 11 weeks pregnant and have a 15 month daughter. We have been quarantining since February and have taken every precaution. Cases are rising here, and they are really high in TX. I really want to spend time with my sister and I don’t want to be a jerk, but I have a family to think of too. I feel like her decision to go has been kind of selfish and very dangerous.

Help! Thoughts?