So depressed about weight

Guys I know I’m probably being hard on my self but I just can’t help it. I am 5 weeks postpartum from having my son my daughter is exactly 13 months older. So I had 2 kids in a years time. Well between the 2 I gained about 50lbs. Before that I had gained 20 lbs in just a couple months from depression due to 2 miscarriages. So all together I’m up 70 lbs in 2 years. I have pcos and I have an incredibly hard time losing weight. I was at one point 250lbs and got down to 160 but in order to do that I basically starved my self then purged when I did eat. I do not want that to happen again. I worry that I will end up there as I have been bulimic before i think it would be easy to fall back in to. I am also breastfeeding as much as I can I don’t produce much so we supplement. I don’t want to risk losing my supply so a hardcore diet will not work. I do not eat bad I never have but I can look in the direction of a cookie and gain 5 lbs. I am just so upset with my self guys!