Hmm, thoughts?

I saw my OB yesterday and let her know that the last 4 or 5 days I’ve had period like cramps that are pretty painful. This is my second little one and they weren’t BH that I could time or anything, it’s just been a constant cramp that wraps around my lower back and hips. She asked if I had any change in discharge or spotting and I answered no because I really don’t experience much discharge at any point, in either pregnancy. I feel like I super overdid it today. I went to a big kid’s sale and it was so frickin hot, I walked and carried a ton and I’ve been feeling out of it since. BP is fine, 130/84. But, I started getting really gloopy clear discharge that is way more than I’ve seen. I know different people have various discharge patterns, it’s just unusual for me as I typically don’t have much at all. It was a lot. No blood or brown, just a lot of snotty, clear discharge. I had to wipe 4 or 5 times to get it all. Should I call my OB since she asked about discharge changes yesterday or just see how I feel in the morning? I hate to overreact. The cramps are still here, a little worse from how active I was today. I never really had any discharge with my first either so it’s just strange for me. Thoughts?

ETA: It seems like it was just that one big burst of snotty discharge and it’s gone back to nothing. Not sure if that’s more comforting or more concerning. We’ll see in the morning. 😅