Long Road


My husband and I got married at 18 simple because we were in love. I was diagnosed with PCOS within two months of marriage. But I was 18 and wasn’t stressing about it. I went back and forth about kids for years and then this year we decided to try. I had been to doctors to address the PCOS and a lot of doctors said to loose weight. (5ft4in 230lbs) which I never did. When Covid hit, we decided to put things on pause since we weren’t sure what was happening. I recently found a new doctor, who understand what I’m going though. She put me on Letrozole 2.5mg for 5 days. I actually started the medicine a day late and skipped a day oops, but still ovulated. My husband and I did what we did. This morning, I took a test and was a very faint line. I had taken some before and nothing. I wish I had gotten a picture, maybe tomorrow. I think I’m still in shock, not really sure. We haven’t been actively trying for more than a few months, but we’ve been together 10 years now. It’s been a long a stressful road and again just in shock. I will continue to test to see a darker line.

Thanks for reading!