36 weeks...weekend trip 4 hours away?

Jennifer • TTC Since Jan. 2019 || 👼🏻Apr. 2019 || 👼🏻 Sept. 2019 || 👼🏻 Nov. 2019 || 👶🏼 Sept. 2020 || 👶🏼 Oct 2022 || 🤰🏻due in March 2025 #liveyourdream

My best friend is getting married in November and her sister wants to have her bachelorette party about a 4 hour drive from where I live.

I am due September 27th and the trip would the August 28th to September 2nd. I’d be staying in a resort cabin but it is a drive.

Has anyone else travelled around 36 weeks? Would you recommend it?

Should I see if my can come with me so I have someone who can drive back with me if something happens with the baby?