1 week old fussiness.. what can I do to help?


So the last few nights have been awful. She will cry and clench really hard (I’m guessing gas) and takes a bit of time to console her. Once I put her down in her bassinet I’ll just about to be asleep and she’ll wake up screaming again. We check her diaper, doesn’t need to be fed and we burp her. She is swaddled every night which seems to help and sometimes takes a pacifier. As for feeding, I am pumping every 3 hours and we give her 2.5 oz. my milk supply is getting better but we still top off the bottle with some formula which my lactation nurse recommended. We changed the formula to a more sensitive one to help with gas which seemed to help a little bit. Also she is eating every 2.5-3 hours. And we try to keep her awake for a little bit after each feeding but it doesn’t usually work.

Is there anything else we can be doing? Is this a common thing with newborns? We’re just so tired and the nights are soooo hard. It goes on literally all night and my husband and I are on like 2 hours of sleep 😩😩