Tri cyclen VS tri Jordyna HELPP

okay so I’ve been on tri-cyclen or however you spell it for 17 months (after I had my daughter) I put on weight, but overall it did good. I didn’t have prolonged periods (they were 5-7 days) monthly and then I go to pick up my birth control and they switched it to tri-jordyna. Okay, I figured no problem because they both have “tri” in the names so they must be the same but ever since I started it (I started this one when my placebo pills ended and I was due to start another month) and I’ve been bleeding ever since. It’s been six weeks, heavy, red blood and I’m over it, I feel swollen in my legs and arms, my stomachs bloated, I just feel disgusting and drained... I called my pharmacy and asked why they switched and he said they discontinued it and that they were fairly the same... doesn’t know why I’m bleeding. I can’t see my doctor because of covid and she’s closed, she’s not available for phone calls until 2 weeks from now so that sucks... I always had a bad go with the pill but my previous one was doing good so I just stuck with it, and prior to having my daughter she’s 18 months I was on the depo due to troubles with the pill and it was great, no weight gain, period, or bad side affects but I was afraid that after I had her and using it again I may gain weight especially after reading everyone’s terrible experiences on it so I stuck with the pill, I don’t want to go to the hospital in a pandemic because I have a prolonged period. Is this normal? Why is this happening? Has anyone else went through this? I was fine and it’s not any different so why the sudden change? I’m just over it, I’ve been having awful head aches, my vag is sore from pads and tampons being used the last 6 weeks, it doesn’t seem to want to slow down and I’m bloated beyond belief. Help a women out! I know I need to see my doctor. I’m trying to wait it out until I talk to her via phone and done want to run to the er because it is just a period, right? I’d fee stupid going on about that lol.