Would You keep this job or find another one?

OK so I got this new job last month not going to say the name of the job. So I was working full-time and they had me work the floor with the merchandise and to assist customers in they also had me as a cashier.

So out of nowhere they change my Position to sanitize the whole entire building instead of doing what I apply for without Asking me.So I was thinking OK well this will be temporary because of Covid. Well I was wrong this is my new position and ever since I started I’ve been getting paid less all of my checks are starting to look like my first check which was small.

The next problem is that my manager came up to me and was like hey good news I moved you to part time. And was telling me about all the benefits i now have for being part time and I’m sitting there confused like where was all these benefits when I was working full-time and why was I all of a sudden moved to part time. So basically she tried to make it sound like a new exciting position When it’s really not and now part time means less hours and I’m still getting paid less.Also both managers don’t know how to talk to people meaning they always get smart or have an attitude. I’ve also talk to coworkers and he told me that the managers have asked him to do certain things or asked me if they wanted to use her things and I was kind of confused because they never asked me to do certain things they just basically forcing me to do it by putting it on my schedule. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of because I am a nice person. my question is would you keep this job or would you find another place to work?