Separation anxiety & sleep


It has been so hard to sleep train my daughter. She has separation anxiety baaaddd.

I currently co-sleep with her, but we both aren’t getting good sleep & I know if she was in her own sleep space she’d get better sleep.

I have tried giving her different things that I know soothe her, such has her taggie blanket, a wet wash cloth to chew on, I’ve given her, her mombella mushroom, sound machine, dark room. Don’t judge, but I’ve even turned on her favorite show to kinda distract her from me not being in the room with her. I refuse to do the cry it out method. I have sat by her crib so that way she knows I’m right there & nope, she continues to scream her head off.

I do nurse her to sleep, so I have tried transferring her once she fell asleep, but she wakes up every single time & screams once she realizes she is in her pack n play or crib..