TW//Body Image

I hate that at my age I’m posting something like this, but I hate myself. I’m a 13 year old girl who is 5’3 and 161 pounds. I always tell myself that my body is fine the way it is and I try to be positive when my friends are insecure about their own bodies, but I’m just lying to myself. I hate my body.

I’ve been working out every day since May and I’ve only lost 2 pounds. Today, I stepped on the scale for the first time in 3 weeks and I cried. I barely eat, I drink plenty of water, I workout, and yet I’m so unhappy with myself. I have a hairy stomach, which makes me super insecure, and I have stretch marks on my thighs, hips, breasts, and arms.

Clothing doesn’t properly fit, which makes my life a living hell. It’s almost like society is brainwashed into hating or disapproving a curvy body. I see kids my age who are size 2 jeans and wear crop tops and yet I’m a size 14-16 in jeans and can only wear hoodies and t-shirts.

I guess I’m asking for acceptance or encouragement. I can’t find one positive thing to say about my own body, but I can find a million positive things to say about my friends.