Legal advice? Anything? Help🥺

Tani • Married💍High school sweethearts👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 2 fur babies🐶🐶 TTC baby #1👶🏼🤞🏻

Okay. So.

Here's a bit of the story.

(*Names changed)

My BIL Mack* was married to this narcissistic, vindictive, garbage bag of a person, let's call her Gabby*. He didn't see it, and was her puppet for about 2 years.

Him and my husband weren't very close until my MIL Jill* asked my husband to rekindle their relationship because she believed Gabby was a closet narcissist and was isolating Mack from his family.

So my hubby rekindled him and his brothers relationship.

We kept our distance but always made him aware that we supported him. Mack was still blind to her abuse at this time, they were not married but she coerced him into marriage last fall and none of us knew they were even married. She continued to wear away at him and isolate him from his loved ones and whatnot. She's entwined his life with hers, finances, pets, debts, etc.

Fast forward to last fall, Gabby wanting to join the military. The plan was for her to finish boot camp, then her & Mack would move to Georgia. But during boot camp, the glass broke.

She was always making Mack feel like he was worthless but this fight broke the camel's back. They broke up but because he still owed her $, she has been holding that over his head and is trying to bleed him dry. I believe she won't be happy until he commits suicide or goes bankrupt.

She is still in boot camp and will constantly message him & make him feel like shit. He has been trying to give their animals to good homes, even tho she is adamant on keeping them, she is all talk. All bark.

We had to convince him to stop talking to her. He will pay his debt (slowly) and block her, if she wants to chat then it will pertain to finances or the animals ONLY.

They were in the process of getting their marriage annulled, but because she has the paperwork I'm not sure if that has happened or not. She has this far refused to take his name off of anything, so he is forced to continue paying certain bills.

I told him that he needs to cancel his cards & get new ones.

BUT here's the icing on the cake.

His mom Jill has taken Gabby's side in all of this. She kicked Mack out of her home because he owes her money as well (she has helped him with purchasing cars, his dogs vet bills, etc. She is very well off so she doesn't need the money right this second). Is currently bff's with Gabby and will allow Gabby to move into her home once she comes back from boot camp.

Mack works for Jill's business doing IT, but he is giving Jill all of the $ he makes to pay off the debt with her. Which my husband told me is somewhere near $30,000.

We don't know how much he owes Gabby, he said maybe $5-10,000 but something tells me Gabby is going to keep upping that number.

Mack is completely broken.

He is not only fighting his ex wife, who is incredibly vindictive and trying to suck him dry, but also his mom who used to be his main support system (he was a mommas boy) financially and emotionally, has taken the side of someone wanting to destory him.

So all Mack has is me and my husband. We're not financially able to help, but we are doing as much as we can.

I'm just not sure how to move forward. I believe we need to get a lawyer involved, we need to figure out how he can cut all ties with them. If he needs to pay off the debt fine, but there needs to be something worked out to where he pays a set amount each month. Not just giving them all of his paychecks and then not being able to even survive.

Has anyone else had any type of experience with this??

Any advice?? cause I'm so lost & it's eating away at my husband because that's his little brother. And their own mother has turned her back on her son (not the first time she's done that to one of her kids, but this is a whole new low).

Or anyone that has had experience with lawyers??