
I have a 12 day old beautiful baby girl. I'm completely in live with her but she just will not sleep! 😩 at night every 3 hours she wakes up and wants a feed and I feed her on both sides burp her then change her diaper and she's out cold. During the day she won't sleep after feedings instead she is super alert and or fussy and screaming as if she is hungry only 30 minutes after a feed. I don't know if my milk supply is low at certain hours and she isn't getting enough and that's why she is fussy and screaming hysterically or if there's something wrong maybe reflux (I did find she likes to sit up after feeds instead of being laid down flat). I know you are not suppose to sleep train babies until they are about 4 months so I've been trying to go with her flow, feed on demand and let her sleep when she wants but I'm concerned she might be in pain or something because she is not just awake and aware during those hours she's fussy and screaming. What can I do? Any tips on how to help her be more comfortable ?