Breast Feeding: NEED HELP!!!


Hey guys. So I had my son 2 weeks ago and he’s been having trouble breast feeding. He was latching at first but then I started to pump and have him 1 bottle now he won’t latch at all. I talked to a consultant and she gave me some tips like the lay back method and to maybe pump a little before trying to feed him so my milk is ready but he still won’t do it. He gets frustrate so easy and won’t take anything but the bottle now? Has anyone else had a difficult baby and dealt with this? What did you do to help? I know he’s still little and learning and it might take some time but having to try and pump all the time to keep up with him has me exhausted😢😭

Also he went from drinking 1-2 oz to now drinking like 2-3 maybe even 4. With me pumping I’m having a hard time keeping up with him since he won’t directly breast feed. I was thinking about taking lactation pills or gummy’s or something to help me produce more. Do you all have any suggestions? Has anyone taken them before? Are the beneficial or do they not help very much? PLEASE HELP‼️🥺😭