Should we do newborn photos??

So my family just had our baby on the 28th and we’ve been isolating and not seeing anybody as a precaution to keep our baby safe (the only people we’ve seen for the past two weeks are my midwives and my fil /fils girlfriend). I was thinking of staying isolated for about two months until baby gets her first round of vaccines. So here’s the situation - one of my friends is photographer and offered me a free newborn session which I’m really tempted to do however I feel like I shouldn’t do it since my parents and his mom haven’t even met our baby yet so it’s almost not fair for my friend to? Idk I’m feeling pretty conflicted. I know my mom would have a fit if we get the photos done (she’s already jealous enough about my fil). What would you do?

Edit to add: yes we are isolating and my parents live six hours away from us (so they don’t want to drive all that way just to see baby from a distance). His mom lives in town but she hadn’t been isolating and I have zero interest in letting her see our baby even if she asked (which she hasn’t).