switching to the implant from pills?

so I am great at taking my pills - I take them at the same time every day. no problem. I just don’t like the statistics on how many women get pregnant on the pill, even tho I take them perfectly. would it be a better idea to switch to the implant. I am terrified to do so though because I HATE needles and even thinking about having something inserted into my arm makes me want to vomit.... but I’m thinking I should just suck it up because I worry every month that I’m pregnant as a perfect pill user (I even use condoms and still worry). I just want something that is super effective. An IUD just is not an option for my as my friend said she passed out from the pain and I just don’t want to deal with that. I have reviewed all my options and I guess the implant is the best option for me. Does anyone have any experiences with the implant (procedure and just overall effectiveness). Did it hurt bad to get it put in? Any major side effects. I’m trying to weigh my options here and decide if it’s worth it.