Unprotected sex at 1-2dpo?

I calculate ovulation based on cm tracking and previous cycles. I'm pretty sure I ovulated either Friday (10) or Saturday (11)

Well Saturday night my partner and I accidentally had unprotected sex. We were basically sleepwalking and we barely remember it some since we randomly woke up in the middle of the night and I guess just went at it. (It was a really long day Saturday and we were so exhausted. It kinda of feels like it was a dream if that makes sense)

I told him the next morning that I'm pretty sure we had sex and he was surprised, and said he thought it was a dream. I told him that I might not be out of my fertile window. We aren't actively trying or preventing and we're just leaving growing our family up to chance, so it's not like this is a bad thing, but we've never actually had unprotected sex close to my fertile window before so the thought of actually being parents hasn't felt this real.

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