FTM, 4days overdue!


hi! first time mom birth story here!

i was due July 2, 2020. we all thought baby was going to come early. i was having inconsistent contractions for a while, had them monitored at the hospital to ensure it was contractions.. it was. had a few scares, baby wasn’t active one day so we went into the hospital, he was fine. we also had another scare and i thought my water broke, turns out when you’re preggo you can pee yourself 🥴

when my due date came and passed we thought for sure July 4th. July 4th came and nothing. ): i remember sitting on the toilet on 4th of july and for some reason i thought to myself “he’s going to be born on monday”. weird right? monday rolls along and at midnight i woke up and felt wet, i thought it was sweat. so i went to the bathroom and fixed myself then went back to bed. i woke up again at 2:22 AM and felt wet AGAIN. still didn’t think anything of it so i went to the bathroom and fixed myself again. i woke up

at 6am and was wet again so i woke my husband up and he immediately said to go to the hospital but because we had those scares i was nervous to go and they tell me it was a false alarm ( i was also scheduled for an induction on thursday morning). so i took my sweet time. we got mcdonald’s before we went in (a sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle was my FAVORITE thing during pregnancy) we got to the hospital around 9 AM and they took me to the triage and immediately admitted me. turns out my water had most definitely broken! thankfully i had contacted my doctor early that morning so she switched shifts with the other doctor so she could deliver me! i was extremely blessed. she checked me and i was at 3cm. i was having contractions but they didn’t hurt, i didn’t even realize i was having them until they hooked me up. i was relaxed so i took a nap, 4-5 hours pass and she comes back in to check me, i was at a tight 4 so i was a little disappointed because my contractions had gotten worse and i was starting to feel them now but they just felt like period cramps. ( i have a very heavy period that lasts 3 days w intense cramps). my doctor said i would probably have my baby the next day, July 7th but i felt otherwise. i fell back asleep and was awoken by some intense pains. i tried to ignore it and just take them but OMG after 6 minutes i couldn’t breathe so i caved and asked for an epidural. they put the epidural in and giiiiirl did i feel great. i took another nap and my doctor came in to check on me. i had also spike a fever from having my water broken for so long, i developed an infection. she seemed hesitant to check me but i asked her to so she did, she yelled “HALLELUJAH YOURE READY LETS PUSH” it all happened so quickly. i started pushing at 9:46 PM and it was intense. she had me push laying on my side and then when baby was about to come out she switched me to my back. baby was out in less than an hour, he was born at 10:30PM in july 6, 2020. weighing 9 lbs exactly and 21.25inches. i had first degree internal tearing and for a 9 pound baby, that’s impressive. i give props to walking and my birthing ball. GET THE DAMN BIRTHING BALL AND UTILIZE IT, ITS AMAZING AT HELPING RELIEVING PAIN WHILE YOURE PREGGO AND IT HELPS WITH LABOR! i didn’t believe it but literally i pushed out a 9 pound baby with little tearing. i was also able to do delayed chord clamping until the chord stopped pulsing!!

he is now a week old and i am soooo in love with him 🥺 welcome to the world, Forrest James Black 🥰❤️

if you’re overdue don’t worry, the wait is worth it. i know it’s hard to not be discouraged and i also know how annoying it is to hear “baby will come when he’s ready”. stay positive. get the birthing ball, try hypnobirthing, & nipple stimulation. i had done that right before bed. not saying it’s a guarantee but it’s worth a try! trust your body and don’t stress out. you are made for this. 🤍