Breastfeeding Your Child’s Father Too ??????

Can we please talk about this cause I KNOW FOR A FACT I can’t be the only one.

My Fiancé literally gets turned on my body’s pregnancy changes.... today he noticed my boobs were bigger so naturally he started to fondle them & I wasn’t even fazed cause he does it all the time but TODAY.... today was different. He literally says “I can’t wait till you start breastfeeding” & starts suckling my nipples. I looked at him speechless because I heard about this fetish in different countries but I didn’t say anything to him in that moment. I continued scrolling on my phone WHILE he’s fondling & sucking on my breast. & then he goes “mhmm, it always turns me on when your premature milk comes out.... it taste like coconut water” I literally was still shocked so I was like “when the baby comes are you gonna try to drink my breastmilk?” .....

My fiancé replied “I kinda wanna breastfeed too, I don’t know... it turns me on that your carrying my baby and it seems like I’m the only that’s amazed by your body changes but would that be weird ? For me to wanna drink from your boobs ?”

So I didn’t tell him no, that it was perfectly normal but I didn’t tell him yes, that it was absolutely weird.... instead I kinda just expressed my concerns about how he would go about it if I ever let him & how it would feel weird to me to be sexualizing my breastmilk during our alone time when I would have to go breastfeed when our alone time is over.... then I proceeded to say he could drink it when I pump but it looked like all the life left his face.

He said “it wouldn’t feel the same”

“I love you so much I literally wanna get as close to you as I can possibly get & Idk but drinking your breastmilk straight outta your breast feels spiritual & makes me feel strong about our family unit & who I made a mother & the nurturer of our home. I don’t think I would wanna do it all the time but I would wanna get to know the experience of it... it taste good anyway”

That was basically the end of the conversation cause I usually stay quiet when it comes to his sensitive feelings like that but


have any of you moms done this ? & if so PLEASE tell me how you went about this

I wanna get close to my partner as well but please tell me if this is a weird fetish that I shouldn’t be condoning.

Like How would I separate the sexual feeling I get from before I got pregnant to after..... because I know for a FACT it won’t feel sexy or anything close to when I’m feeding my baby