changing schools :(


Hi so I am 15, I currently go to a strict Christian school. I don't like it at all and I'm not struggling to get good grades, but in order to get good grades I have to stay up until 11-12 and then get up at 5 in the morning just to finish homework. Im doing a language I hate learning and I don't have a group of friends who I really get along with, only one friend who is also moving. I have the worst uniform and I hate wearing it.

I've tried to talk to my parents about moving but they aren't very willing to let me move, it's like my reasons aren't valid, I have many more reasons but I don't want to type them all. They chose my school and ever since year 6 I've wanted to go to the Steiner school up the road and now they are finally listening to me. It's everything I want in a school and it has great acceptance into science courses later on, and teaches a language I'd love to learn.

How can I make my parents understand that Steiner schools are good and not bad? Or how do I get them to consider moving my school? I'm really struggling and need help please ahah, any suggestions are great :)