Husband overreacting??

I started my new full time job.. I leave here at 5 to get my kids to their grandparents on time and i just got off of work at 4:30 and I go straight to my mom's to get my kids and back which is an hour and a few minutes to get home. We have a door to unlock top and bottom, a staircase and then another door top and bottom both deadbolt. Im carrying my kids, diaper bags, and a few other things and I always have a hard time getting the door unlocked... I knocked about 4 times and sat there for about 10 minutes before he even came to the door, I can't put babies down on a staircase nor could I reach my phone atm and I did come in upset (didn't acknowledge him) because he said he was sitting on the couch and didn't hear me. The couch is right by the door. No tv on nothing and you didn't hear me banging ?? (Mind you he never locks the door and he works at home so that was a shocker to me and that's why I didn't ring him)

Regardless of it all, I apologized for how I came in and he said it'll take him all night to get over how I treated him, won't take the apology and is now making shit awkward as ever. Is that immature ??