Am I wrong?

I’m feeling kind of embarrassed because I feel like I tried to force a relationship on the guy I’m currently dating. He’s been so nice to me, he’s brought me plenty of flowers, took me out, even paid to get my sons haircut and bought him things. The thing is we’ve been in a relationship before, about 7 years ago, and everything was great. We was together for almost 2 years, then I broke up with him because I went to college. Now he wants to start something back up. He said he doesn’t want to rush anything and he wants us to grow a connection but he doesn’t want to be in a relationship just yet. He made different excuses like his work schedule etc. I know we’ve been talking for 3 weeks but I got into my feelings because I want a relationship and I told him he feels comfortable enough to have sex with me but not have a relationship with me. I’m confused. Maybe I’m overreacting and rushing things. But we do everything like we’re in a relationship. Should I wait it out or move on?